Jargon Buster

Andy - The man behind the funny, also Store Manager
Me - Doing his dirty work
BP - British Petroleum
CSA - Customer (S - Dont Know) (A - Not too sure)
Solihull - A place
HHT - ( Something ) ( Something ) Terminal
BP M&S - Sells food, fuel, booze, no clothes, definitely no ponies
Undertaker - Andy's Neighbour
Ennit - Brummie Slang for Isn't It ( I think )

Anything Else - Go back to school!

Naked Mile

Having agreed (reluctantly) to 3 obligatory random staff searches each week i now find ,what with me being a busy man ,that i don't have the time for their completion .

To workaround (new word instigated by gss people !) this problem ,I have decided we will hold one completely naked monthly meeting whereby all staff will arrive on site in the buff , spend 10 minutes chatting amiably about relevant site issues (such as how we all love gss for example ),meanwhile I and my dsm (also both completely starkers ) will conduct brief visual checks for company stock and equipment using only a see through clipboard and pen .In one fell swoop all searches are complete for the month .I can see these catching on !

On the subject of gss , all exel deliveries for the next few days will be later than normal as they will first have to collect your ordered stock from the Kings Norton depot ! I'm not saying we have had a lot of templates but the walls actually bulge externally , kings norton looks like it has eaten too much cake ...


Recruiting for new staff we received 2 applicants via the Recruitment line.Having phoned one of them to arrange an assessment, without any hassle, I proceeded to ring the second, a gentleman who I shall call Englebert for the purposes of this e-mail.The call went something like this, I dialled the mobile number given, it rang twice and was answered in a shout, Englebert: YEAH? Me:Hello, this is Andy store manager at bp Kings Norton,I'm calling with regard your application for the csa position. Englebert: YEAH? Me: ummm, I'd like to arrange a suitable time for an assessment? Engelbert sighs deeply and shouts into the phone, LOOK,I'LL HAVE TO CALL YOU BACK, I'M IN THE SHOWER. Me...ok...umm....i mean what? Engelbert : I'M IN THE SHOWER.... CLICK ....He didn't actually shout click, that was the sound of him simultaneously ending the call and any chance he ever had of working at Kings Norton. Do they even make water proof mobiles? He never did call back anyway, probably couldn't find a waterproof pen and paper with which to write himself a reminder!

9 Out Of Every 10 Men

Its not possible to put out the magazines of a morning without being amazed by the lurid and frankly bizarre strap lines on the womens mags. Increasingly extreme real life tails emblazoned across them, such as, I married an axe murderer and, my mother ran off with my wife etc can only be detrimental to the mental health of anyone exposed to them for any length of time. And so it is I worry about my night crew. For one thing the amount of sex surveys to end all sex surveys the mags proclaim is definitely worrying, I want to keep my night crew away from sex and the prospect of procreation in general. For the good of mankind you understand....some of us were made to propogate the species whilst others, well, should be shall we say be protected botth them and (particularly)any prospective mate. After all it'd only confuse them anyways, they break out in a cold sweat if a woman addresses them directly, might be she only asks them the time but no matter for they'll still get in a fluster.

Speaking of sex surveys anyway, i'm regularly accosted on visits to town by everyone from political surveys to scientology stress tests, usually proffered by impossibly white teethed beautiful people, the Scientologists that is not the surveyors who are usually mad haired ladies of a certain age ....potential mates for night crew perhaps....NO! DO I LOOK F&$€£@G STRESSED?.....but never have I been asked to take part in a sex survey.? Law of averages would dictate I should be getting asked at least bi-monthly?Maybe the subjects of sex surveys are not ordinary upstanding citizens of renown such as you or I, but are the denizens who frequent the little side street stores with blacked out windows....ADULT BOOKS....you know the ones, yeah you do.....and I for one don't think I care to base my sexual exploits on the learnings from those guys!

Rubber Women Save The Planet

One of the roads I travel to work in the morning has a new traffic scheme whereby the powers that be have converted a bus lane into a 2 persons or more lane. Now, I don't take anyone to work with me and bearing in mind my morning persona that's probably for the best, so I am banned from the new lane and must slum it with all the other singletons in the bumper to bumper traffic. To be honest i've never been in traffic that was going slower than the new lane so in actual fact the thing is pretty pointless but damn it I want to use it! I don't like being banned from anything but the petty police we have in this city would be on you like flies for driving in the lane on your lonesome, I mean it would use up time and save them having to tackle any actual real crime.

My consternation at this dilemma got me to thinking and I have come up with a plan. I'm going to purchase a blow up doll! To act as my passenger you understand. I discounted mannequins due to lack of lifelike qualities whereas blow up dolls are now reputed to be more realistic than ever.although certain of their dubious features will not be necessary for my purposes. Problem being I won't purchase such an item on my card as I'd never be able to look the bank lady in the eye again so it has to be cash and therefore a trip to a sex shop!

Now I foresee a sex shop exchange being somewhat similiar to the condom buying trevails of my teenage years. Back then you could only get them at the chemist and each trip was fraught with embarrassment. I could never get the discreet, quiet old guy oh no it had to be the old lady with the knowing smile, loud mouth and bawdy sense of humour. I must have purchased half the shop in useless items trying to get what I actually wanted. Have you ever tried those bloody diabetic sweets?

There would of course be no diversions in the sex shop and (God willing!)no sign of any little old ladies, I wouldn't fancy the process of choosing the doll of course I mean would they believe I only want her for passenger duty? I doubt it and should I Iose my nerve I very much doubt they sell diabetic sweets, but on the plus side i'm sure they'd stock condoms. Although a simultaneous purchase of blow up doll and condoms might confuse them greatly!

Raised Brow

Noticeably missing a member of staff I went off searching for the errant employee. 10 or so minutes went by before she finally emerged from the bathroom, somewhat sheepish looking as she caught my exasperated expression. “ You’ve been gone for half an hour, what on earth were you doing in there?”

Obviously I ask this question reservedly but when you’ve just arrived at work and you adjourn to the facilities for the first half hour, then the manager has a right to ask…I think….

“ I was drawing my eyebrows” she replied…..“ Umm…what?” I asked, as I was convinced I had misheard the drawing part…… “ I don’t have any eyebrows and I’d not had time to draw some on before leaving the house” . It transpired that she had attempted to dye the things once upon a time and the process had gone ary, chemically depriving her of her eyebrows.

Now, I’m not the most observant bloke ( key word ..bloke) but I must confess there had been occasions when ( I know now) it was clear she had drawn them on too high. At the time I remember wondering why everything I said to her seemed to render her utterly shocked, I'd say the must mundane thing and the eyebrows would shoot skyward. Turns out they’d been skyward all along.

At this juncture I had to express, in a somewhat bemused fashion that, although I sympathised with her plight I had to insist that she a) arrived on time and b) preferably with eyebrows. I was admittedly curious as well and almost suggested googling online in the hope that…maybe….someone had invented prosthetic ones? … I’ve checked, they don’t.

Missed It

With a candidate having passed the gruelling process of the select direct telephone call(!), we invited him down for the in store assessment. Through an accident of bad planning I was here when he came and, (reluctantly) feeling I should show willing, I decided to have a brief chat before proceeding,

“So what interests you about working for bp?”

“I was told its good ennit”

“Ummm right, who told you that then?”


“you 'dunno' who told you or you don't understand the question?”

“nahh was probably a friend ennit”

“Right. Have you worked in retail before?”

“i wuz a painter ennit”

“Portraits or landscapes?”

“nah houses ennit” (OK so the joke was bad but.....)

At this point I felt it high time he moved onto the assessment while I went for a lie down...ennit.

Surprisingly he failed and we're gutted to have missed out on such potential, the back fence could certainly do with a lick of paint.

Rage Against The Machine

I consider myself a retailing professional, I think I’ve earned that conceit after all these years. Granted my usage of tills is fairly ltd to …well… now and again, but I know my stuff and can usually serve a customer without too much fuss and drama…usually…..Therefore it troubles me greatly that I am completely and utterly inept when it comes to using self serve in supermarkets! To the embarrassing point that the duty manager at our local mini Tesco wants to bar me from using the self serve!

Oh I start well enough I manage too hit the START button fairly well after barely a pause for thought, its from here on out that the problem arises and myself and the electronically voiced lady have issues.Firstly I struggle manfully with the damn bags, do they super glue the stupid things shut? Now I’m not a sweaty handed individual thankfully and I cant get the things to open naturally. I try licking my fingers(I know!) rubbing my trousers….for electric friction people, concentrate here…….and in desperate frustration accosting a passing greasy haired personage for a dripping or two. To no avail whatsoever, usually at this point, probably prompted by greasy person complaining, an assistant comes and rescues me with a one fingered release system! My ire rises and the temper is beginning to surface to ugly proportions.

Now I begin to scan, naturally the first item takes 17 passes over the myopic scanner before it takes, then of course scanning itself 9 times.Once I figure out how to remove the 8 errant items the lady prompts me to bag the item. This I do, the lady prompts me AGAIN to bag the item.

“I have bagged the item “ I plead “PLEASE PLACE THE ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA” “I have placed the f****** item in the F****** bagging F****** area.”

I believe my constraint at this stage is admirable. Finally after moving said item into a variety of positions, it now stands on his head at a precise 90 degree angle, the ’lady’ accepts and asks me to continue. This I do again encountering the Mr Magoo of scanners before attempting to once again bag, and failing once again to bag ‘PLEASE ‘PLACE THE ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA’ “I have I have I swear I have placed the item in the bagging area!”

Half hour later when I’ve finally scanned and bagged my 5 items(!) I must pay, I choose cash, it prompts me to choose a payment type I AGAIN choose cash, it prompts me in loud dull tones once again to choose a payment type. At this stage I ignore the stupid machine and, after 34 attempts manage to get IT to accept my increasingly battered £10 note . It vomits my change helpfully onto the floor and as I pick this up I swear I can hear HER sneering from inside the damn machine but....finally....I am free to leave and doffing my non-existent hat at the exasperated looking duty manager I leave the store with a happy little gait.

Toshy Tickets

We have new price tickets for Wine here in M&S land that wax lyrical with the usual guff re wine,such as for example Casablanca Sauvignon Blanc which is lovingly described as,

'inviting slightly grassy aroma and mouthwatering flavours of gooseberry, pear and melon'

One can only hope the grass hasn't been holding cows or the wine'll come with the true aroma of the countryside.

Now I'm not a wine buff and subsequently know very little but even I have drunk enough varieties and types to make the assertion that, Red wine tastes red, white tastes white and I'll grant you the licence to describe dry white as tasting of chalk! A good dry will have you dry gobbing and/or sound like your trying to get your tongue around speaking Dutch!

Now I'm not the kind of guy to make such a claim without backing it with good solid data and so, I have doctored one of our best selling wines ticket to read,

' inviting the tender aroma of wet badger and all the mouthwatering sunshine flavours of bird droppings'

Lets see how that sells .I should probably include the word, infused , in there somewhere as its so beloved of all the product tosh writers.

The Last Pair

Sunday pm, tills are all on busy as a busy thing in busy town and the phone rings.......

I get to it on the 37th ring and an exasperated,and posh, sounding lady says,

“H'well AT laaaast, good lord I thought M&S valued customers, I've let that ring 38 times (one of us is lying) and finally you answer”

“ahh, I'm sorry for your wait, we are rather busy on the tills”

“Humphh, h'well anyway, I h'want you to check some trousers”

“err, we're........” was as far as I got before she interjected with,

“only you had them laaast year and I h'want a new pair in size 10.”

after a pause “Ok hold the line I'll check for you”

I went and looked at the carwash fill levels

I did the dcd check

I chatted a little with the undertaker next door. (small talk with an undertaker...hows business?....)

I did a litter pick amble around the forecourt before finally returning to the office and,


“FINALLY, well?”

“sorry, we JUST and I mean JUST sold the last pair!!”

Failure In Disguise

On that note, I've bought an ancient and enormous old overcoat from the carboot (proper carboot not Sammy n Fagoons strange carboot) a huge overcoat that'll fit everyone working here (not all at once ..separately of course) to wear while they purchase their lunches. This should avoid the dirty looks and/or inane queries from customers, one would hope but I think my cunning disguise will be seen through. There must be a 'staff member walk' that we all do?

"Drive through?" I replied, I'm afraid not. I was in fact thinking, great here we go again, another fruit loop.

"no drive through?" He repeated, increasingly desperately it seemed. Not as desperately as I wanted him to go away so I could continue queing for my lunch, this overcoats boiling not to mention itchy.

"umm no?"

"No drive through nuts, peanuts?"

Light slowly started to dawn as he repeated that last sentence again

"DRIED FRUIT!" Eureka I had cracked his secret code!

"YES!" he exclaimed with relief, "drive through!"

"I'll show you" I replied and led him off to the 'drive through' outsized overcoat sweeping the floor as we went.

Turn On The Light

I think in these eco-friendly times we live in the energy efficiency checks we must complete each shift are a good thing. The planet must be saved and who better than us to set an example? (he says as another half acre of forest in the form of till receipts goes in the bin)

The turning off of all non-essential lighting, such as the toilet lights, is a step in the right direction, HOWEVER, ....I see a flaw.

Such is the nature of our busy work day that, often, our visits to the toilet facility are somewhat infrequent and, by the time you eventually get in there, decidedly urgent.

This urgency is hampered greatly by the delayed reaction lighting which takes several bladder squeezing seconds to kick in. It comes to the point where an anxious person may start earlier than the lighting allows and, I fear, accidents may ensue. Not accidents in the sense of ASA conversations, but in the sense of, “oh for ***** sakes I've pee'd in the sink again!”

Advice To Bed

Knowing several of you are veterans of long term relationships( Brendan has medals!) I would like to pass on some advice given to me a while back by a former colleague. Now, I don't normally take advice in affairs of the bedroom from octogenarian forecourt cleaners but when he sidled up to me and said, "when you need some excitement back in a relationship,I have only 2 words for you..Uniform and Toys!" I felt it only right to give it a try. Well, imagine my other half's surprise that evening when she threw back the bedclothes to find me in full wild bean uniform clutching a pile of Lego.

Bell The Old

The elderly lady fixed me in her steely eyed glare, "young man" she said, I looked around but it was in fact me she wanted, either that or she needed stronger spectacles,

"young man, do you still have those prunes you had last week, only I said to my Arthur this morning blah blah blah blah blah " She didn't of course say blah blah but the rest of what she was actually saying washed over me like a speech on health and safety. I only heard the occasional word...Arthur...prunes...regular....

After what seemed an eternity she finally stopped talking and I was able to escort her to said Prunes upon which she launched into another diatribe relating to how happy Arthur would be etc etc. I'm sure poor old Arthur must be deaf and anytime she encounters people with hearing she feels the need to talk until they faint. I nearly did I swear.

I know its archaic and quite probably against their human rights but I'd like to have all old people entering the store wear a little bell that activates as they move, that way whenever I'm about to enter the shop floor I could first listen out for the tell tale tinkle of old people and therefore stay outback where I'm safe.


Italian words spoken by a rich Brummie accent do not lend themselves to ease of understanding.

A woman had to ask me 5 times today if we stocked Mascarpone before I realised she wasn't actually asking me for a massive pony. Being asked for any sized pony could be construed as unlikely but when you've seen as many loopy customers as I have........

B.t.w, Sarah, before you say it, I do know what Mascarpone is! I'm a classy guy we have it on toast all the time in our ouse)

A woman phoned up the store and asked for our boy-scouts department! I've been asked before for, lingerie, children's clothes and and light fittings departments, but boy scouts? I told her we don't have one but I'm happy to tie her a few knots if she's stuck.

After work today I followed a customer home, marched confidently into their living room and proceeded to move all their ornaments into improbable locations. I then asked their poor unsuspecting children lots of inane questions before grumbling bitterly about everything and anything I could think of. Having littered their floor with used diesel gloves and left some graffiti in their toilet, (bp offer details, never miss an opportunity folks) I promptly left.

Cheesy Cheese

A new cheese has arrived in store and on it is a sticker proudly proclaiming, BRONZE IN THE WORLD CHEESE AWARDS......Not to be confused with the Olympics which are entirely seperate ....I knew nothing of these world cheese awards, are they televised? Do the spectators cheer for their cheese of choice? I'm going to see if I can purchase a Cornish Cruncher replica shirt.

On reflection I'd have to say I'm a little disappointed with bronze, 'it's not just cheese you know, its 3rd placed M&S cheese' doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

Chilled Out

Wandering the outer reaches of Arctic Solihull(aisle 3) I happened across 2 members of the customer species in an apparently somewhat distressed state. "Ho Customer types", I greeted them cheerily," I cant help noticing you appear top be in a somewhat distressed state, may I offer my assistance in anyway?"

"cccccold.....sssssssso.....fffffffar....from.... hhhhhhh" they struggled to reply. "ahh said I" for I now understood their plight, "Never fear dear customers for I am here now and I will lead you to safety and, more importantly, warmth" Later, as they recovered,(with the lack of an instore Brandy carrying St Bernard, we effect heat restoration with the aid of 2 strategically strapped wbc sausage rolls, 1 under each arm pit does the trick) and I regaled them with tales of my retail derring do, they asked me a question. " how do you manage the cold, it doesn't seem to affect you at all?"

"aha" I chortled,(I'd always wanted to chortle one day and had been saving this one up) " the secret is, I and in fact all our staff, are protected by the warm glow of BP's love!"

Directions To The Pot

The old man shuffled up to me (I think it was the way he walked and not that someone had tied his laces together) 'scuse me son' he said, 'toilet?' and did a little tap dance on the spot that intimated to me that the need was quite urgent. ' follow me I replied and briskly marched toward the toilet' behind me I could hear a determined shuffle trying to keep up. When opposite the toilet I said 'there you go' and left him to it.

I returned to my station and continued with the confect plan. A few moments later I again heard a shuffling behind me, this time followed by an even more desperate tap routine, turning round I was met once again by the old fellow, 'thats the ladies son there's no urinal?'he almost cried .....'Ah I see, Thats actually a unisex toilet sir and we have only the one, fine to use that one......A look of enormous relief crossed his wizened old features and he turning so swiftly I'd imagine he dislocated a hip, he half shuffled half galloped off toward the toilet.....a brief moment later I swear a satisfied groaning filled the shop!

Festive Focus

With our immense focus on the festive season and the abundance(ABUNDANCE!) of festive stock in store I cant help feeling that we're missing a trick. We have no Santa's grotto! With this in mind and utilizing old cardboard and recycled blue tack retrieved from the back of an old Safeway sweeping log(!) We have constructed our own Santa's Grotty here at Solihull round the back of the carwash. The wbc ladies playing Santa, she was the only one who could supply her own beard, and we even have a happy elf,Ian in tights, (Khadra being unavailable this year).Again he supplied his own which worried me slightly, but I suppose lots of young lads own green tights in these enlightened times.

Anyway, the Grotty was very popular doing a roaring trade until the riot ensued. Many bloody noses were accumulated and we now have one seriously traumatized (former) elf. On reflection I suppose left over promo items WERE unsuitable presents from Santa and this led to the revolt. Our attempts to SOC converse with several parents lent further fuel to the flames so to speak and the whole experiment had to be aborted somewhat abruptly. I do think the R.S.P.C.As fuss over the reindeer's antlers was much to do about nothing, the dog was perfectly fine and once the superglue degrades the upturned headbands will fall off naturally.

Choke On It

In order that our more...shall we say..simple customers aren't caught out, M&S kindly help them in little significant ways. Take for example the Cakes we sell, these include a helpful serving suggestion which is a picture of said cake sliced and presented on a plate! Revolutionary.

This would assist those more elderly customers who may have been opening the cake and banging it straight in the deep fat fryer.

Usually things like this come around for HSSE reasons, maybe at some point in the past Accident and Emergency units were filled with the very same elderly folk wearing permanent rictus grins on account of trying to eat the full cake in one bite, subsequently giving themselves lock jaw.

“ello, ustomer are? I ot ock yaw ....OCK YAW? Es, ats what I aid, yaw .....”

One can only imagine their sad plight as they try to give their personal details with a mouth stuffed full of whole Victoria Sponge,


Retail Radio

Retail radio is destroying my soul!

I really cannot abide any more radio friendly easy listening played incessantly throughout my day,and as for Gary the wild bean guy! How did this guy get the job? He delivers his script with all the passion of a wet rag. “We're passionate about coffee” No your not Gary no your not! If he pauses between lines one more time I'm throwing a csa at the speakers.....a big one at that! No names........

Maybe retail radios awfulness is the reason people who queue perfectly normally anywhere else suddenly develop schizoid tendencies when asked to do so at bp? They hop from foot to foot, angry eyes glaring at the poor ol' csa's.

'How dare they be serving someone else/filling stock or picking their noses, time is money and I'm in a queue doing my irate gorilla'

Thankfully I have the new M&S fruit naming policy to cheer me up.(!) The names have been 'funkyfied' to jazz up the range....FRUITY BEAUTY.....MANGO MADNESS and MElONOMA MELONS......I think I may have made the last one up? .Unfortunately as you can no doubt tell, M&S going funky is somewhat akin to your nan doing the Prodigy's Firestarter at some God awful family gathering and, either way your getting to see M&S' s bloomers and thats neither funky NOR healthy for any of us!

Shoot The Shoplifter

New tack for shoplifting whereupon I get left in doorway shaking an angry fist as they hare off down the road steak in pants, I'm going to shout after them...STOP OR I SHOOT!

I expect they'll throw themselves to the floor wondering a)if I'm going to shoot and what with, b)wow bp have gotten strict and c)oh no I hope I haven't whiddled on the steak. In cases of c i reckon we'll stand the loss even if the steak has been recovered.

The shouting would prove doubly effective if accompanied by you pointing the hht at them and scanning as you do so,the infra red beam will convince them you've taken aim and are ready to shoot!

Finger Puppets

For new managers one of the hardest aspects of retail life is handling discipline for staff, luckily the current Hula Hoop promotion gave me an idea to help mitigate this, thereby making life easier for managers everywhere. The answer of course is , Finger Puppet alter egos!!! The finger puppet, (deliberately made with an angry face) will act as the managers alter ego enabling the manager to switch between happy go lucky friend of the world to homicidal maniac in a split second, the time it takes to don the puppet basically, without becoming unpopular. But, I hear you stutter, staff wont follow a puppet surely? Fear not ye doubting Thomas's, it is all about rank, you tell people that the puppet is in charge and they will be eager to comply, I mean most of them will, at some stage, have had worse managers than a puppet right?

Of course this will require the manager to enact a certain degree of ventriloquy and the art of speaking without moving ones lips, (particularly when foaming at the mouth) is not an easy one. For this I suggest Botox. Check any Botoxed celebrity victim and you will notice not only do their lips not move but 2/3s of their lower face is frozen solid forever. Your RTM will authorise Botox via paid outs, I'd suggest managers repairs is perfect. The combination of the botox and a ventriloquy module on the el box, (Mr's Warsop is writing it now) will enable the manager to go about his business in a friendly manner, conversing with staff etc, while, via his new found skills in puppetry, the puppet appears everytime discipline is needed.

Imagine if you will that Carl of Stonebridge, for example, is chatting to Mary on the till about her bunions all sympathetic like and then he notices she has missed a tick on one of our many ticklists,instead of flipping his lid and spoiling the moment he whips out 'little Carl' who proceeds to berate Mary, meanwhile 'big' Carl can stand there without the sympathetic smile leaving his face!

For the rest of the shift then Mary gives the puppet the cold shoulder but still converses happily with Carl regaling him fully to her ailments.

As for the puppet this will need to be made carefully and should be wearing full bp uniform including miniature badges. Should you need assistance Brendan at Tamworth is a dab hand with the sowing machine ( Mrs Brendan insisted they share a hobby) and Clair at KN can help out with a badge maker. (I believe Tracey knocks them up in her shed)

Please note that the puppet should not be used to deal with RTM visits. I'm quite sure Mamas would chat happily with the finger puppet but its just not the done thing

The Crunch

Dear Mr Harding,

Despite the current credit crunch and my own understanding that we need to cut costs I fear I must ask for extra hours, not in the day you understand as I appreciate that is beyond your remit, but on my wages budget. You see, there are many new things afoot, within our beloved b.p, that play heavily on my time. For example it now takes me 15 minutes longer to leave the house every morning after 'badging' up. By the time I have pinned all in place, ensuring they don't overlap and obscure each other, and cleaned up the blood from the stab wounds (crack of dawn and badge location don't go well together, thank God we don't do trouser badges! Please don't forward that as an idea to the marketing team) I've forgotten where I'm supposed to be going!

Then when I do finally get to work and have to print off the daily M&S ticket files, this takes further time tearing the new perforations, I'm convinced evil minds work in M&S ticketing,looking for new ways to mess with bp minds, “lads lads , lets make the perforations so tiny they need tweezers to separate them” . This obviously includes the morning 'headbang' ritual as I try to understand which day the tickets are actually meant for. Encouraged to to make a weeks worth of ticket files on the wall we're now receiving 2-3 weeks in advance, I fear I will be wallpapering the office at this rate and with my absent mindedness this is likely to include the door. I will thus be unable to go home without crashing through a week next Tuesday, rendering that days ticketing useless and leaving the poor sod on that am the odourous task of trying to find new ones!

The third (potential) time constraint is around the new AMSCREEN digital counter display thing. This is purportedly going to include up to date traffic reports. I implore you to take this option out? Mr Harding, we have old people among our customers,they cannot be let loose on a screen displaying up to date traffic reports, they'd spend hours in store arguing the accuracy, holding up queues and falling asleep as they become mesmorised by its flashing imagery. Traffic, weather and the price of stamps should be subjects automatically banned, I'd be grateful if you'd give Sir Alan a bell about this asap.

Is This M&S

'Hello Bp Solihull'

Long pause followed by “oh, is that m&s? ”

“its a bp m&s”


“a bp m&s, we're a bp AND an m&s simply food”

“ohh” long pause. ...”could I check some trousers.....”

“Sorry we don't sell trousers”

“oh, when did you stop selling trousers?”

“We've never actually sold trousers”

long pause “but I always buy my trousers from m&s?”

“yes, we only do the food aspect of m&s”

An exasperated sigh is followed by, “I specifically asked if you were an m&s and you said yes!”

Before I could defend myself he hung up!

30 seconds later the phone rings again

“hello bp Solihull”

The same voice asks, “ is that m&s?”

“no sorry this is a laundrette”

Beating The BOGOF

I have my home e-mail set to collect and automatically delete ‘spam’ This it does with a reasonable degree of efficiency, however, some do still manage to infiltrate my inbox and it is these that are causing me consternation. These are, I assure you,geniune e-mail offers!!

Take these recent examples,

‘An invitation to try 10 Viagra at only $69.99’ which is, apparently, the cheapest in town!!

'Save 80% @ USA Pharmacy, Erectile Disfunction, Male Enhancement and Muscle Relaxant

I have no need, I assure you , of the first 2 and no idea whatsoever what a muscle relaxant is or would entail? What muscle would I be needing relaxed and why? I have one that springs to mind I suppose but that relaxes naturally of its own accord, unless of course one has partaken a little TOO enthusiastically of offer number 1, the discount viagra!

'Make her desire you' ….

I’m only 3 e mails in and by now I’m getting worried by the recurring theme here! I’m almost intrigued enough to read this one to find out what wonderous item they will sell me, at a ludicrous price no doubt, that could possibly make me any more alluring to the opposite sex than I already am? At least in the comforting realm of my own head . Delusion has a lot going for it believe me, I’m literally never disappointed.

'YOU are invited to join an upsized dude community'

I may well have tortured dreams tonight about being forever trapped in a community of upsized dudes! I have no idea what upsizing dudehood entails but I sure as hell don’t want to be set adrift in a community full of them.

I’m assuming, based on the title, that there may well be a distinct lack of females (upsized or otherwise) in said community and therefore want no part of it whatsoever ! Maybe the upsized dude community is made up of respondents to e-mail no2 ?

Grease Lighting

M&S chillers have big 'black ' bumpers at the front, you might reasonably ask why as they don't actually go anywhere but if you had seen our demons on wheels aka old people in electric buggies, then perhaps you would understand.

These alledgedly black bumpers have always been more of a charcoal grey as nothing used to clean them ever does, until that is a bright spark manager in Scotland thought of baby oil! This is obviously great that we finally have something which returns our bumpers to pristine blackness but, I have to wonder, what kind of mind thinks of baby oil in a retail situation? “Faded bumpers? H'mm yes, it has to be baby oil.”

I can only assume said Scottish manager is experienced in oiling and I mean of course the oiling of babies .......and bumpers obviously......... My only perplexity now is how to word the note to the night guy .....'I want you to buy some baby oil' ........That could lead to some confusion so I'm glad I'm not the one locked in alone with him! I imagine too that audit will want the cleaning pay out explained? “ personal use?” .... No no Leslie, I'm far too busy today maybe next time.....

Return Of The Pruneman

We have an elderly gentleman comes in every week without fail to ask if we sell prunes. This despite being advised on every single occasion that we don't. He explained, to an attentive member of staff on one of his visits, that, he was under doctors orders to eat a tin of prunes every single day. To keep him regular! A little too much information as far as the staff member was concerned but it maybe sheds light on his absent mindedness in that, he's so constipated its literally, the only thing he can think about! The poor ol' souls life is blighted by shy turtle syndrome and he needs the prunes for enticement purposes.

Anyways, Pruneman hadn't shown his face for quite a few weeks and we feared that, after seemingly months of strain, he had finally exploded and redecorated the interior of che Pruneman a dreadful shade of brown. Thankfully, for all concerned here he was alive, well, and on the search for prunes. Sadly, his memory is as bad as ever!

Help The Aged

The customer demographic here at Solihull seems to consist of significantly more old people than is average. Whilst other retailers are off chasing the young and flighty for their expendable cash, we are trying to prise a few shillings from oap's kung fu grip.

This abundance of the elderly lends itself to a somewhat slower pace, albeit only for them! This obviously creates problems of its own with queues quickly forming particularly on pension day when we are inundated with them. Akin to a swarm of locusts they 'slowly' strip us of all Werthers originals, dried prunes and Horlicks. To help alleviate this 'slowing up' I've come up with some ideas....

One, we free up a csa to act as a kind of meeter greeter for old people, they would then escort, at a brisk pace, the old people round the store, not allowing them to stop for chats nor procrastinate in their choice making. I respectfully suggest we could, perhaps, strap the old dears to some dollie wheels and actually wheel them promptly through the store! They'd enjoy the ride, trust me.

Secondly, We are putting up a sigbn at the till point banning old people from giving us the right change! They specifically wait until the csa has cashed off the £20 for £10.37 before saying, here you go, I've got the 37p. They take 7 minutes to count this out, including as many coppers as is possible. The poor csa then has to fall back on mental arithmetic they have not used since 1983, to work out what the change should be now! With (non) helpful dithering added to the equation the one transactions taken half a shift.

Thirdly, ban csa's from bringing up any weather related topics when there are old people within 30 feet. This is a recipe for disaster, old people have radar for weather conversations and probably only leave the house at all in order to complain about the cold/heat/rain/snow/hail.

Dress to kill

With the news from last weeks conference calls that a new uniform is imminent (being reviewed with the whole of Europe!) I've been giving it some serious thought. I believe cost effectiveness will be a major consideration , as usual, but also feel that the uniform could incorporate other aspects of our business such as safety and convenience.

The trousers, for example, should consist almost entirely of pockets! Pockets in all shapes and sizes(with zips), to the tune of maybe as many as 17. These would allow the prepared manager to venture onto the shop floor fully equipped for all eventualities. Pockets filled with, pens, notepads, complaint forms, hht, pricing gun, labels, mini fire extinguisher, application packs(!) phone, not for personal calls you understand but in order to quickly alert police to shoplifters. Confrontation figures would actually GO DOWN from wearing the new trousers as anyone carrying that amount of weight will be incapable of chasing anyone, no matter how much steak has been secreted up their jumper! Secret pockets could even be included to carry small quantities of change for ease of use. Armed robbers would be very unlikely to inspect the insides of a managers trousers for theft purposes. Mr's Brendan smile of anticipation on Brendan's return home would soon vanish when he explained, "no no love it's a bag of 5p's I swear!"

With this being the age of safety any new uniform MUST surely include hsse adaptations.I would suggest as standard, knee pads, elbow pads and helmets. Not that we'd be expecting staff to skateboard around the store (although these might improve productivity!) but with the sheer quantity of asa conversations that are, slip, trips and falls related our staff are, clearly, in grave danger and must be protected from themselves! Some of our erstwhile staff may take exception to wearing such equipment, it is after all difficult enough getting them to wear a badge but the benefits would soon become clear. Just think, We could start to store inappropriate items at unsafe heights again without fear, thus increasing our warehouse space tenfold. Glass bottles danger of falling? NO PROBLEM for we are helmeted!

I appreciate also that the uniform itself being high-vis might be costly and therefore suggest we utilise existing hi-vis vests and the sewing talents of our staff. Stitch a couple of arms onto each vest and hey presto you have ready made ...CHEAP.....uniform.

We have an opportunity to be market leaders here, you wont catch the Tesco's and the Sainsburys being this innovative with their uniforms. Not for them the cutting edge of hsse and fashion.