Jargon Buster

Andy - The man behind the funny, also Store Manager
Me - Doing his dirty work
BP - British Petroleum
CSA - Customer (S - Dont Know) (A - Not too sure)
Solihull - A place
HHT - ( Something ) ( Something ) Terminal
BP M&S - Sells food, fuel, booze, no clothes, definitely no ponies
Undertaker - Andy's Neighbour
Ennit - Brummie Slang for Isn't It ( I think )

Anything Else - Go back to school!

Random? Not BP!

We are living in fear of the M&S mystery customer after failing a question on both our first two visits. Had the customers asked the actual questions they were supposed to, we may have had a chance! The first one fell to me, an elderly lady asking for guacamole, which I showed her.....NOT according to the form where I'd apparently NOT explained which ham was in the deli deal!

Liam had the pleasure of the second one when, too his shame, he failed to explain or upsell a promo deal that hadn't started yet! His psychic powers once again letting him down.

Since this we have all been on tenterhooks every time a customer asks for help to the point of getting annoying with our OTT customer service, being as both the first 2 customers were elderly ladies we are targeting geriatric customers, if they look confused all the better .... Liams even offered to do their ironing.......but the thing is, now when a customer interaction where I've been expressly helpful DOESN'T turn out to be the M&S mystery shopper I feel cheated and cheap!

We had 3x 5 litre screenwashes out back so with 2 in one hand one in the other I carried them out to the bunker, at the door I had to side step a gentleman who upon seeing my hand full remarked in a very camp way, “mmmm strong fingers” ! I believe myself to have gone beetroot red at this stage and could think of absolutely nothing to say in response. I only hope he wasn't the m&s mystery customer.

In the weird and wonderful world of bp S&V actions reveals that the corkscrews allocated to M&S stores are in fact classed as, 'potential offensive weapons'. I see this completely and imagine there are many many admissions to A&E daily whereby the patient has had the top of his head screwed off in an act of street brutality. “stand still you ******* I'm gonna unscrew your ********** head”

On opening up my most recent breakfast sausage muffin for purposes of saucing, I discovered instead of the usual 4 halves spread sadly across the muffin I in fact had 5! An extra for which I was not charged and, fearing disciplinary action I promptly discarded the extra half. T'would have been far too sausagey anyway.

I now worry however that some muffin customer somewhere will receive a muffin with half a sausage short and unless they use at least 4 packets of sauce the extra dryness of the muffin will seal their mouths shut for several agonising minutes. At least they wont be in a position to complain....

Imagine the casualty depts surprise if they get an unscrewed head followed by a muffin glued mouth?

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